Living in California has been the greatest. Especially because my best friend - Heidi Pinkston - and her family live here. After moving here, Heidi and I decided that every week she would come with me to work on her day off (Thursday) and then afterwards, we would go on an adventure. Because hey, who knows when I'll live in LA again...
Week 1
Santa Monica Pier: This day was awesome because we talked to lots of random people on the pier from lots of different countries. Heidi even got to use her Russian. |
Week 2
So this week I attended a conference and met Father Greg Boyle. He founded Homeboy Industries which helps former gang-members and prison inmates learn various skills, remove tattoos, and find employment. I was really inspired, so for adventure Thursday we visited Homeboy Industries in LA. We also stopped by Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory, got the best strawberry smoothies in Chinatown, and danced with random Mexicans in a big courtyard. |
Week 3
A Day in Hollywood: This week Jamie (Heidi's older sister) came along on Adventure Thursday and it was literally the hottest day of the year. My car even died. But we walked around the Walk of the Stars and the Chinese Theater. Then we hiked the Hollywood sign. Actually, you can't go right up to it. The path took us around the back so we looked down on the sign and out over the whole LA valley. It was beautiful! We also met a man named Milko and hiked with him for awhile. And he is now taking the missionary lessons! |
Week 4
On Memorial Day we all went to Santa Monica Pier. Some rented bikes and some
brought longboards. We spent all day riding along the beach and through
Santa Monica. We decided to go to a frozen yogurt place 4 miles into town and it took forever! I'm pretty sure we ended up going over 15 miles that day. I was on my longboard all day and my feet definitely went numb. It was
awesome but everyone got FRIED! | | | | |
Also that week we went to Ventura Harbor. Weird jumping pics ensued.
Week 5
This week I took the day off and Heidi, Jamie, and I went to Six Flags! It wasn't crowded at all so we got to go on all the rides we wanted to.
Week 6 |
and I got tickets to Jimmy Kimmel Live! Guests that day: the 2 winners
of the National Spelling Bee, 50 Cent, and Jenny Slate. We were on the
front row of the studio audience and it was so much fun! | | |
Week 7
After work Heidi and I rode our longboards along the
beach from Santa Monica to Venice. Then we walked down the boardwalk and
I took pictures of the crazies. Later me met up with the Stevens (the
senior couple I work with). They live on a boat in Marina Del Ray so we
went and hung out with them for awhile. They are the coolest! | | | | |
Week 8
For our last adventure Thursday we did my favorite thing -
renting bikes and biking/boarding down the beach from Santa Monica to
Venice. My brother Braden was with us as well as Jamie, Ashley, and
Haley. It was such a beautiful day and riding back during sunset was the
best thing ever. | |
I guess you can say that I've had some fun while in California. Life is good, but now I'm off to Washington for EFY! Peace out California.